Selected list of presentations, latest first:
- Extent in ISBD for Manifestation. Presented to NARDAC Update Forum, 13
Nov 2023.
- Aggregate shortcuts in
RDA. Utility for transforming Bib/Authority records to Linked open data; from
scenario C to scenario A in RDA. Presented to the MARC2RDA project, 2 Aug 2023.
- Presented to the IFLA webinar "From ISBD to ISBDM", 26 Jan 2023.
- Entity-based cataloguing: the new environment for ISBD
- ISBDM subgroup on Prescription and Granularity
- Video
version (live stream recording)
- Presented to UK Committee on RDA and Metadata and Discovery Group Scotland
Uncataloguing Workshop, Edinburgh, 9 Dec 2022.
- Tomorrow never knows.
Presented to Metadata and Discovery Group Scotland Annual General Meeting, Edinburgh, 25
Nov 2022.
- Aggregates in RDA: translations and whole-part structures. Presented to
RDA in Europe 2022, 17 Nov 2022.
- RDA in the Fifth Information Age: entity, identity, authority. Presented
to COBISS 2022, IZUM, Maribor, 19-20 Oct 2022.
- Ontology in practice: implementing the Library Reference Model. Presented
to 24. seminar Arhivi, Knjižnice, Muzeji, 24-25 Nov 2021.
- ISBD beyond: ISBD in the
bibliographic universe. Presented to ISBD in Transition Session, World Library
and Information Congress, 18 Aug 2021.
- New horizons: emerging metadata standards and practices in the 21st
century. Co-presented on behalf of IFLA ISBD Review Group with others, 27 May
- UKCoR webinar on RDA
recording methods. Co-presented with Alan Danskin, Jenny Wright, and
Thurstan Young, 26 Feb 2021.
- Bibliographic control in the fifth information age. Presented at the
International conference, Bibliographic control in the digital ecosystem, Florence,
Italy, 12 Feb 2021
- RDA update 2020. Presented at RDA Day, CILIP MDG online conference, 11
Sep 2020.
- RDA orientation workshop UK 2019. Presented at workshops organized by the
UK Committee on RDA and the Cataloguing and Indexing Group, Edinburgh, 21 Nov 2019, and
Birmingham, 11 Dec 2019.
- The IFLA Library Reference Model and RDA. Prepared for Segundo Coloquio
sobre RDA en América Latina y el Caribe, Biblioteca nacional de Chile, Santiago, 21-22
Oct 2019 [postponed]
- Presented at the IFLA satellite meeting on "RDA: Resource Descripton and Access
2019", Aristotle University of Thessalonika Library & Information Centre, 21 Aug
- The new version of RDA: structure, key concepts and content
- RDA Toolkit: the facilities within the new version
- Application profiles. Presented at the ALA eLearning Solutions Special
topics workshop series, online, 12 Aug 2019
- Presented at the American Library Association Annual conference 2019, Washington,
D.C., USA, 20-25 Jun 2019.
- Customizing RDA for local applications. Presented at What now?, 22
Jun 2019.
- RDA linked data stuff. Presented at RDA Linked Data Forum, 24 Jun
- Presented at the American Library Association Midwinter conference 2019, Seattle,
Washington, USA, 25-28 Jan 2019.
- Application profiles and cataloging a manifestation. Presented at RDA
Toolkit Redesign Workshop, 25 Jan 2019.
- The LRM and its impact on RDA and related standards. Presented to
ALCTS Bibliographic Conceptual Models Interest Group, 27 Jan 2019.
- A deeper dive into Nomen and appellations. Presented at A Deeper dive
into RDA, 28 Jan 2019.
- A deeper dive into application profiles and policy statements.
Co-presented with James Hennelly at A Deeper dive into RDA, 28 Jan 2019.
- RDA linked data update. Presented at RDA Linked Data Forum, 28 Jan
- Presented at 1er. Coloquio sobre RDA en América Latina, National Library of
Mexico, Mexico City, 12-16 Nov 2018
- Cataloguing with RDA
- RDA cataloguing and linked data
- Presented at the RSC outreach seminar "The redesigned RDA Toolkit: what you need
to know to get ready" = "Le RDA Toolkit repensé : ce qu’il faut savoir
pour s’y préparer", Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du
Québec, Montréal, Canada, 22 Oct 2018
- LRM and RDA : overview of the 3R Project
- Aggregates and diachronic works
- What's Next for RDA and the 3R Project? Co-presented with Thomas
Brenndorfer, Kathy Glennan, and James Hennelly at an AL Live webinar, 14 Sep 2018
- Presented at "Metadata: Create, Share and Enrich", CILIP Cataloguing &
Indexing Group Conference 2018, Edinburgh, Scotland, 5-7 Sep 2018.
- Ethical issues in cataloguing
- The new RDA: resource description in libraries and beyond
- Presented at "Diversity of Data: RDA in the international context", National
Library of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 23 Aug 2018.
- RDA and translations
- Accommodating local cataloguing traditions in a global context.
Co-presented with Ebe Kartus.
- Presented at the CatSIG Development Day, National Library of New Zealand, Wellington,
16 Aug 2018.
- Presented at the Australian Committee on Cataloguing seminar "Resource
description for the 21st Century", National Library of Australia, Canberra, 13 Aug
- Introducing IFLA-LRM
- The new RDA: resource description in libraries and beyond
- Presented at the American Library Association Annual conference 2018, New Orleans,
Louisiana, USA, 23-28 Jun 2018.
- Presented at "A practical introduction to the new RDA Toolkit", ALA
Annual pre-conference, 22 Jun 2018.
- Content of beta RDA: a brief
overview. Presented at RDA Forum, 23 Jun 2018.
- RDA linked data and the new RDA Toolkit. Presented at RDA Linked Data
Forum, 25 Jun 2018.
- RDA and MARC 21: The impact of the 3R Project. Co-presented with
James Hennelly and Thurstan Young at "RDA and MARC 21", 25 Jun 2018.
- RDA data and context. Presented at "Desarollo de RDA y casos de
implementación en Europa", National Library of Spain, Madrid, 27 Oct 2017.
- Preparing for the new RDA Toolkit: special topics. Co-presented with
Deborah Fritz and Damian Iseminger at the RSC outreach seminar, National Library of
Spain, Madrid, 23 Oct 2017.
Presented at the meeting on Impact of the IFLA LRM on ISBD, RDA, and Other Bibliographic
Standards, Wrocław University Library, Poland, 25 Aug 2017.
- RDA update Edinburgh
2017. Presented at a Cataloguing and Indexing Group Scotland seminar,
National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh, 4 Aug 2017
- Presented at the American Library Association Annual conference 2017, Chicago,
Illinois, USA, 22-27 Jun 2017.
- Appellations, authorities, and access plus. Presented to CC:DA
meeting, 24 Jun 2017.
Extending RDA (briefly) Presented at the RSC "pop-up" meeting
of experts, 26 Jun 2017.
- RDA linked data vocabularies data management and use workflow.
Presented to the RDA Linked Data Forum, 26 Jun 2017.
- Pesented at the EURIG Annual Meeting 2017, Fiesole and Florence, Italy, 8-10 May 2017
- Where is RDA in the
bibliographic universe?. Presented to Standard RDA – korzyści i
problemy związane z jego wdrożeniem = RDA standard – benefits and problems
related to its implementation, Warsaw, Poland, 14 Oct 2016.
- RDA data, linked data, and benefits for users. Presented to the CIGS
seminar Metadata and Linked Data: projects, experiments and services in libraries,
Edinburgh, Scotland, 12 Sep 2016.
- Future directions for RDA. Presented to CIG Conference 2016, Swansea,
Wales, 1 Sep 2016.
- RDA work plan: current and future activities. Presented to "RDA in
the wider world", IFLA Satellite meeting, Dublin, Ohio, USA, 11 Aug 2016.
- Quo vadis: Getting there with linked data. Presented at a UKSG webinar, 5
Jul 2016.
- Presented at the American Library Association Annual conference 2016, Orlando,
Florida, USA, 23-28 Jun 2016.
- RSC strategy.
Presented at Casalini Libri meeting, Fiesole, Italy, 27 May 2016.
- IFLA FRBR-Library Reference Model and RDA. Presented at EURIG seminar,
National Library of Latvia, Riga, 23 May 2016.
- RSC strategy and RDA internationalization. Presented at Selmathon 2,
Stockholm, Sweden, 10 May 2016.
- Marathon RDA.
Presented at Bibliothèque national de France, Paris, 2 May 2016.
- RDA and semantic data. Presented at Thematic Seminar on Resource
Description and Access, Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, 28 Apr 2016.
- RDA and linked
data. Presented to Code4Lib Ottawa, MacOdrum Library, Carleton University,
Ottawa, Canada, 27 Apr 2016.
- RDA in a
non-MARC environment. Presented at 22nd Annual Conference and Exhibition
of the Special Libraries Association/Arabian Gulf Chapter, Kuwait, 19 Apr 2016.
- RDA and linked data. Presented at Una cita en la BNE: RDA y datos
enlazados, Biblioteca Nacional de España, Madrid, 15 Apr 2016.
- Presented at the American Library Association Midwinter conference 2016, Boston, Mass,
USA, 8-12 Jan 2016.
- Presented at CILIP Linked Data Executive Briefing, London, England, 24 Nov 2015
- A Bibliographic Roadmap miscellany: Vocabularies in space, time, and
nets. Presented at NISO Bibliographic Roadmap group webinar, 20 Nov 2015.
- UNIMARC in RDF: Representation
of UNIMARC Bibliographic Format in Resource Description Framework for Linked Data.
Co-presented with Mirna Willer at Session 105, World Library and Information Congress,
81st IFLA General Conference and Assembly, Cape Town, South Africa, 17 Aug 2015.
- Engaging with RDA: governance and strategy. Presented at RDA Forum, ALA
Annual 2015, San Francisco, USA, 27 Jun 2015.
- RDA development and implementation overview. Presented at the CIGS
seminar: RDA for Implementers, National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh, 27 May 2015.
- Presented at the American Library Association Midwinter conference 2015, Chicago, Il.
USA, 30 Jan-2 Feb 2015.
- Versioning vocabularies in a linked data world. Presented at Linked Data
in Libraries: Let's make it happen!, IFLA Satellite Meeting, Paris, France, 14 Aug 2014.
- Presented at RDA: Resource Description and Access – status and perspectives, IFLA
Satellite Meeting, Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany, 13 Aug 2014.
- RDA status.
- RDA and linked data applications: Registries, namespaces, maps, and
- Presented at the American Library Association Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nev., USA,
26 Jun-1 Jul 2014.
- RDA: thinking globally, acting globally. Presented at International
Developments in Library Linked Data: Think Globally, Act Globally – Part Two: an
ALCTS Program, 28 Jun 2014.
- RDA, MARC and BIBFRAME: transition and interaction. Presented at
LITA/ALCTS MARC Formats Transition Interest Group seminar, 28 Jun 2014.
- What is an RDA record? Presented at the forum What is an RDA
"record", 29 Jun 2014.
- Metadata vocabulary alignment: opportunities and challenges. Presented at
Workshop: Vocabularies and the potential for linkage, at Making metadata work, Joint
Meeting of ISKO UK, IRSG and DCMI, London, England, 23 Jun 2014.
- RDA in a linked data world. Presented at CILIP RDA: Resource Description
and Access Executive Briefing 2014, London, England, 12 Jun 2014.
- Under the lid of RDA. Presented at the Cataloguing and Indexing Group in
Scotland’s post-AGM seminar - RDA: a bigger picture, National Library of Scotland,
Edinburgh, Scotland, 19 May 2014.
- RDA and linked data. Presented at a National Seminar, National Library of
Finland, Helsinki, Finland, 25 Mar 2014.
- RDA and the semantic Web : Lectio magistralis in Library Science,
Florence University, Florence, Italy, 4 Mar 2014.
- RDA in linked data applications. Presented at FSR 2014, Rome, Italy,
27-28 Feb 2014.
- RDA for
machines. Presented at a meeting of CC:DA, ALA Midwinter 2014,
Philadelphia, Pa. USA, 25 Jan 2014.
- How to publish local metadata as linked data. Presented at Linked Open
Data: current practice in libraries and archives (3rd Linked Open Data Conference),
Edinburgh, Scotland, 18 Nov 2013.
- Presented at DC-2013: International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata
Applications, Lisbon, Portugal, 2-6 Sep 2013.
- Maps and gaps: strategies for vocabulary design and development.
Presented by Diane Hillmann.
- Representation of the UNIMARC bibliographic data format in Resource
Description Framework.
- The FRBR ontology. Presented at the special session "Application
Profiles as an alternative to OWL Ontologies".
- Making mapping real: experience and thoughts from National Library of
Scotland. Co-presented with Gill Hamilton at Vocabulary Day at DC 2013.
- The UNIMARC in RDF project: namespaces and linked data. Presented at
Session 222, World Library and Information Congress: 79th IFLA General Conference And
Assembly, 22 August 2013, Singapore.
- RDA and libraries. Presented at a College Development Network webinar, 13
Jun 2013.
- Same version presented at a JISC Regional Support Centre Scotland
webinar, 27 Nov 2013
- The web of data for archival
materials: Semantic Web and linked open data. Presented at RAMS
Conference and School on Records, Archives and Memory Studies, Zadar, Croatia, 6-10 May
- Role of national
bibliographic agencies in linked data environment. Presented to staff of
the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, 25 Apr 2013.
- Presented at the NISO Bibliographic Roadmap Meeting, Baltimore, USA, 15-16 Apr 2013.
- The road forward: based on what we've learned from the one we've been
on. Co-presented with Diane Hillmann.
- IFLA in RDF (+ RDA). Lightning presentation.
- Multilingual issues in the representation of international bibliographic
standards for the Semantic Web. Presented at the Sixth Multilingual Web
Workshop: Making the multilingual web work, Rome, Italy, 12-13 Mar 2013.
- Granularity in Library Linked Open Data. Keynote presented at Code4Lib
2013, Chicago, USA, 12-14 Feb 2013.
- Mapping FRBR, ISBD, RDA, and other namespaces to DC for interoperability.
Presented at Kunnskapsorganisasjonsdagene 2013, Oslo, Norway, 7-8 Feb 2013.
- An introduction to
open linked data for librarians. Presented at the National Library of
Finland, Helsinki, Finland, 11 Dec 2012.
- Shrinking the silo boundary: data and schema in the Semantic Web.
Presented at 16. seminar Arhivi, Knjižnice, Muzeji, Poreč, Croatia, 28-30 Nov
- Linked open data stuff. Presented at Opening Library Linked Data to
National Heritage: Perspectives on International Practice (2nd Linked Open Data
Conference), Edinburgh, Scotland, 21 Sep 2012.
- Libraries and linked open data. Presented at OKFN Edinburgh meeting #3,
Edinburgh, Scotland, 30 Aug 2012.
- Presented at World Library and Information Congress : 78th IFLA General Conference and
Assembly, Helsinki, Finland, 11-17 August 2012.
- Applications of IFLA namespaces. Presented at Session 185, Wed 15 Aug
- IFLA namespaces. Presented at Session 204, Thu 16 Aug 2012.
- Co-presented with Françoise Leresche and Mirna Willer at LIDA (Libraries in the
Digital Age), Zadar, Croatia, 18-21 June 2012.
- Semantic interoperability of library linked data: ISBD and RDA.
- Workshop: Library models and standards, and their availability in the
Semantic Web.
- Turtle dreaming. Presented at the DCMI seminar "Five years on",
British Library, London, England, 27 Apr 2012.
- Linked data, libraries and the Semantic Web. Presented at the Library
science talk organized by the Association of International Librarians and Information
Specialists (AILIS) and the Swiss National Library, ITU, Geneva, Switzerland, 12 Mar
2012, and the Swiss National Library, Bern, Switzerland, 13 Mar 2012.
- National libraries and identity in the Semantic Web. Presented at Cita en
la BNE 2011, Madrid, Spain, 14 Dec 2011.
- Presented at 15. seminar Arhivi, Knjižnice, Muzeji, Poreč, Croatia, 23-25
Nov 2011:
- Presented at the seminar Libraries and the Semantic Web: the role of International
Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD), Centar zu Stalno Stručno
Usavršavanje (CSSU), National and University Library, Zagreb, Croatia, 21 Nov 2011.
- Linked data for manuscripts. Presented at the Summer
School in the Study of Historical Manuscripts, Zadar, Croatia, 26–30 September 2011;
Topic II: New Conceptual Models for Information Organization, Wed 28 Sep 2011.
- An introduction to RDF and library linked data. Presented
at the Dewey Decimal Classification Executive Briefing, London, England, 15 Sep
- International bibliographic standards, linked data, and the impact on library
cataloging. Presented at the NISO/DCMI webinar, 24 Aug 2011.
- Presented at World Library and Information Congress : 77th IFLA General Conference and
Assembly, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 13-18 August 2011.
- UNIMARC and linked data. (With Mirna Willer).
Presented at Session 187, Wed 17 Aug 2011.
- Report on recent activity of the IFLA Namespaces Task Group and the DCMI/RDA
Task Group. Presented to the Semantic Web Special Interest Group, Wed 17
Aug 2011.
- RDA: future scenarios. (With Lars Svensson). Presented at the Cataloguing
Section Satellite Meeting on RDA: Resource Description and Access – Foundations, Changes
and Implementation, Fri 12 Aug 2011, as part of the 77th IFLA General Conference and
- Presented at the American Library Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, USA,
23-28 Jun 2011.
- Presented at the Cataloguing and Indexing Group Scotland seminar "Linked data and
the Semantic Web: what have libraries got to do with it?", Edinburgh, National
Library of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland, 17 Jun 2011.
- Linked data and the implications for library cataloguing: metadata models and
structures in the Semantic Web. Presented at the Canadian Library Association
Annual Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 26-29 May 2011.
- Linked data and open data licensing. Co-presented with
George Buzash and Karen Calhoun at OCLC Global Council, 12 Apr 2011.
- Presented at the seminar Libraries and the Semantic Web: the role of International
Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD), National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh,
Scotland, 25 Feb 2011.
- The Vocabulary Mapping Framework and its potential for improving metadata
interoperability in the Semantic Web. Presented at the EuroVoc Conference,
Luxembourg, 18-19 Nov 2010.
- From 8 miles high to ground zero: granularity in the information
landscape. Presented at 14. seminar Arhivi, Knjižnice, Muzeji,
Poreč, Croatia, 17-19 Nov 2010.
- The RDA vocabularies: history, rationale, and remaining work;
Important related work. (With Diane Hillmann.). Presented to the DCMI/RDA
Task Group workshop, DC-2010: International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata
Applications, Pittsburgh, USA, 20-22 Oct 2010.
- Initiatives to make standard library metadata models and structures available to
the Semantic Web. (With Mirna Willer.) Presented at World Library and
Information Congress, Session 149, Gothenburg, Sweden, Sun 15 Aug 2010.
- Interoperability and semantics in RDF representations of FRBR, FRAD
and FRSAD. Presented to the Cologne Conference on Interoperability and
Semantics in Knowledge Organization "Concepts in Context", Cologne, Germany,
19-20 Jul 2010.
- UNIMARC, RDA and the Semantic Web. Presented to Les
Journées ABES, Montpellier, France, 26-27 May 2010.
- Metadata Management Focus Group for the Unified Resource Management
platform. Presented to the EPUG-UKI AGM and Meeting, British Library,
London, 16 Mar 2010.
No date